Category: Film
Looking back at Dispatches From Elsewhere, season 1
Now that the first season is over I thought I’d give a non-spoilery take on Dispatches From Elsewhere. There will be some mentions of the […]
My favorite MST3k episodes featuring coherent movies
As we’re all sheltering in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one activity I’ve found well suited for the times is watching episodes of Mystery […]
Recent movie review round-up (2019)
Despite intending to on plenty of occasions, I’ve never used this blog to review movies. In an attempt to change that I’ve written up short […]
Review: Dracula (2020 miniseries)
The new Dracula three part miniseries from Moffat and Gatiss (Sherlock, Doctor Who) adapt Bram Stoker’s classic novel with the sort of twists and trappings […]
Killer BOB wanted poster spotted in SOMA
While waiting to cross the street outside the LinkedIn building, I noticed a wanted poster taped to a light post and did a double take […]
Ghostwatch reviewed by an American in 2016
For Halloween this year I thought I’d so something a little different — I got my hands on a copy of an infamous British TV […]
Reverse Empire (spoilers!)
Let’s face it: if you’re reading this, you’re the kind of person who’s familiar with the second Star Wars movie, The Empire Strikes Back. You’ve […]
The iPhone with the untraceable manufacturer
“The tech inside is military grade, I can’t even trace the manufacturer.”— Arrow season 1 episode 10 Come on, your average Best Buy employee could […]
White iPhone spotted in 1987 film RoboCop
In a previous post, I pointed out what appears to be a white iPhone 4 or 4S model in a 1993 Star Trek episode. Turns […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at”
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- You can now follow this blog on Bluesky, if that’s something you want to do
- Recent movie review round-up (2024)
- Keys to the city
- When RoboCop parodied San Francisco’s most infamous assassination
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