Are you a songwriter? Are you incredibly lazy? Good. This blog post is for you.
As a songwriter you probably have too many things to worry about — like making your songs sound good — to worry about the lyrics. Fortunately that’s why love songs were invented: you can just say some general things about love, or even about a previous relationship. If you’re lucky some people will like your love song and play it at their wedding. Then those sweet, sweet royalty checks come flowing in!
Now that you’ve spent three minutes writing the lyrics to your love song, you must come up with a title. D’oh! Titles are tricky. Fortunately I’ve already come up with a few that you can use, all for free. Yes!
- Love To Love You
- I Lovingly Love You
- Love 2: More Love
- The Lovely Kind of Love
- I Actually Hate How Much I Love You
- Unlike David Lee Roth, I Am Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
- I Fucking Love The Shit Out of You, Bitch
- Don’t Make Me Come Over There and Love You
- Love, Love, & Love. Also, Love
- I Am Legally Obligated to Inform You That My Love is So Strong It’s Classified as Carcinogenic Under California Proposition 65
See? You’re almost done now; the hard part is deciding which of these fabulous titles to use! Incredible.