• Be sly, folks!

    Be Sly, Folks!

    Spotted outside the 16th and Mission Walgreens parking lot.

  • Tequila for Día de los Muertos

    Tequila for Día de los Muertos

    Sure, it’s just tequila in a decorative bottle. But how cool looking is that bottle? Almost makes me want to drop that kind of change on it and deal with the ensuing vomit after drinking too much tequila. Almost.

  • Alface


    “This town’s like a great big cat just waiting to get eaten.”

    Spotted on 17th and Valencia.

  • Is it?

    Is it?
    Spotted at 17th and Mission

  • Wo Hing signage unveiled

    Wo Hing

    Plywood at Wo Hing on Valencia and 17th came down this week, unveiling the new sign. Contrary to what the signage indicates, this is a restaurant, not a “general store.” Which is fortunate, since there’s so few restaurants in the Mission and so many general stores.

  • Cement warning

    Cement warning

    Soon as I saw the “warning” in the cement, I immediately thought of Fight Club:

    Tyler Durden: Did you know that if you mix equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate you can make napalm?
    Narrator: No, I did not know that. Is that true?
    Tyler Durden: That’s right. One could make all kinds of explosives using simple household items.

    Spotted on the roof of the Art Institute on Chestnut St.

  • Sierra Madre beer

    Sierra Madre

    Yes, it’s Federale from Sierra Madre, i.e. Sierra Nevada’s little cousin.

  • Curbside car sharing comes to the Mission

    City CarShare on Valencia and 17th
    City CarShare on Valencia and 17th

    Adding to the city’s complex and draconian public curbside parking restrictions is a set of car-sharing-only spots. One of these new types of parking spots is located here in the Mission, outside El Toro on Valencia and 17th.

    From now on this spot is reserved at all times for a specific City CarShare car, which is to be picked up and returned from that spot, or “pod” in car sharing lingo.

    No word yet on how the city will enforce this, or what members renting the car are supposed to do if another car takes that space. Perhaps there’s a can of gasoline and a blowtorch in the back seat of the Prius to “take care” of these problems. Or maybe there’s the number for a towing company in the glove box. Either way.

    Also of note: City CarShare has a new logo? The street sign is sporting a new look for the non-profit, which celebrates their 10th birthday on the 19th of this month. I’m thinking they jumped the gun and unveiled an updated logo a couple weeks early.

  • Looks totally legit


    Clearly this is a legitimate organization and not just some Ponzi scheme. And yeah, the poster looks unprofessional, but so what? The people in charge are too busy directing dump trucks full of $100 bills into their driveways while experiencing emotional freedom to bother to learn to use InDesign properly.

    Spotted at 18th and Dolores

  • House 530 opening soon

    House Thai

    The perpetually vacant spot on Valencia between Blondie’s and Limon finally removed their plywood to reveal… yet another Thai restaurant! If at this point you’re wondering whether there’s more Thai restaurants or Thai people in San Francisco, I think it’s safe to bet on the restaurants.

    As Grub Street reported several months ago, this spot was previously a punk venue with a strange history.