Tag: 16thmission
Space reserved for mural
A mural recently appeared on the side of the former Andalu space at 16th and Guerrero. Apparently there’s more to come, as a large sign […]
Techie litter
You see this? This is what happens when hipster techies in the Mission litter their vintage textbook covers. Pick up after yourselves, people!
Proposition U (the “Sin Tax” Legislation)
It’s voting day, and this flyer appeared on various utility poles near 16th and Mission this morning. The text reads: Proposition U (the “Sin Tax” […]
Blurry Simpsons
Finally, a street art mural of the Simpsons that’s as blurry as my memories of a time when the show was still funny. UPDATE: The […]
Hot Dog Suit Man
Superman, Batman, Spiderman — and now — Hot Dog Suit Man! If I had to venture a guess, I’d assume his superpowers involve squirting out […]
Ghost outbreak in the Mission
Apparently a ghost outbreak occurred near Mission and 17th St. today, but it was already contained by the time I arrived at the scene. The […]
Doggie Diner heads spotted on Valencia
John Law’s Doggie Diner head trailer is a mobile landmark in San Francisco. This evening they happened to be leashed on Valencia outside Stage Werks. […]
Skull shop returns from the grave
Remember when I told you that Martin’s Emporium, the skull shop on 16th St between Guerrero and Dolores, was going out of business? Turns out […]
Make Copy’s Key’s
On Mission near 17th there’s a handwritten sign in a store window that reads: MakeCopy’sKey’s Q: Can you spot the gramatical errors on the above […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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