Tag: 24thmission
Review: Nocturne X
Okay so before I review this one, let me just say this isn’t worth checking out. This is bad, I’d even go so far to […]
Rest in ravioli
Over the weekend I wandered by a brand new mural by local artist Sirron Norris, whose cartoonish illustrative style and bright colors are instantly recognizable. […]
What is it a nice day for?
Near 24th and Folsom I encountered the above pull-tag flyer, which sports an old photo of Billy Idol along with the heading “It’s a nice […]
Murals of Lilac Alley
These days it seems pretty much every alley around 24th and Mission is a de-facto canvas for street artists. Overall this is a good thing; […]
Sam and Max mural spotted in the Mission
While wandering through the Sunday Streets crowd today I got a little off the beaten path and spotted the mural above. It’s unmistakably a depiction […]
BREAKING: Second Super Mario Bros. street art mural located in San Francisco
Located in Cypress Alley between 24th and 25th Street, this Super Mario Bros. mural definitively answers one of the most pressing questions of our time. […]
Murals of Osage Alley
One of the few places to find actual underground murals in the Mission these days — in other words the kind explicitly not approved by […]
Exploring Juri Commons
Not far from Papalote is a funny little park you could be forgiven for not noticing even if you stroll by it regularly. The park […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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