Tag: advertising
3D advertisement
Spotted at 12th and Folsom Oculus Rift? Microsoft HoloLens? Samsung Gear? Nah, who needs those? Old school red/blue 3D is where it’s at, as this […]
Truth in fine print
Hold on here. Unlimited mobile phone service for a tiny fraction of what I’m paying now? That sounds too good to be true. Let’s take […]
Facebook’s targeted advertising isn’t
ZOMG with all these new privacy violations Facebook advertisers know EVERYTHING about you and stalk your every movement and… …wait, they think I want Mission […]
Things San Franciscans despise: sidewalk advertising
San Francisco is a city of people who are indecisive and disagreeable. We even manage to disagree about really basic things, to the point where […]
WTF: Bell Plumbing advertisement
I’ve been noticing some strange ads lately for a company called Bell Plumbing North here in San Francisco. Their ad is one major WTF after […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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- Recent movie review round-up (2024)
- Keys to the city
- When RoboCop parodied San Francisco’s most infamous assassination
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