Tag: fnnch
New fnnch mural at The Valencia Room
While heading to pick up lunch the other day I happened to notice a new mural from fnnch on the side of The Valencia Room. […]
Signs of the COVID-19 times part 2
Since last month’s entry the pandemic-related changes around the Mission and Castro area have only accelerated. As retail slowly reopens some of these changes may […]
Honey bear invasion
On the way to work this morning I noticed SOMA had been invaded by honey bears. Anyone familiar with local street art — or regular […]
Honey bears invade BART station
A series of fnnch’s honey bears have invaded the Powell BART/Muni Metro station as I discovered on the way home this evening. These are among […]
fnnch takes to the seas
Local street artist fnnch has plunged the former T-Mobile store at 20th and Mission under the sea. The 20th Street side of the building is […]
Giant penny found on sidewalk
Walking along Valencia the other day I spotted a rather large penny painted on the sidewalk. The design features the phrase “IN FNNCH WE TRUST,” […]
New murals on Dolores St.
Across from Dolores Park there’s a Christian Science church that’s been shuttered for a number of years. Recently a developer wanted to turn it into […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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