Tag: restaurants
Tonight: Kitchen Nightmares visits the Bay Area
Tonight’s episode of Kitchen Nightmares takes place in the Bay Area! Gordon Ramsay visits Fremont’s Spin A Yarn, a strangely named restaurant where apparently all […]
Wo Hing signage unveiled
Plywood at Wo Hing on Valencia and 17th came down this week, unveiling the new sign. Contrary to what the signage indicates, this is a […]
House 530 opening soon
The perpetually vacant spot on Valencia between Blondie’s and Limon finally removed their plywood to reveal… yet another Thai restaurant! If at this point you’re […]
16th and Guerrero restaurant update
Two empty restaurant spaces are about to get less empty. Today a new sign went up at the former Bangkok 16 space for Krua Thai: […]
Maharaja to become Taj Express
The defunct Maharaja on Valencia at 16th now has a liquor license on the window for a new Indian eatery to be called Taj Express. […]
Sharpie owners upset about closing of Hong Kong Express Cafe
Hong Kong Express Cafe, also known as the absurdly cheap restaurant filled with hobos and pigeons, finally closed its doors to make room for Southpaw […]
Venga Empanadas
A new empanadas joint is opening soon on Valencia. Well that’s not entirely true; it’s not really new. See, Venga Empanadas didn’t have a place […]
Bangkok 16 is closed
First Ti Couz, now Bangkok 16? This stretch of 16th is starting to look a bit sparse. Hopefully someone new will open up in this […]
Bombay Bazar and Ice Cream is back!
According to this flyer, plastered all over the 16th and Valencia area today, Bombay Bazar and Ice Cream has moved to a new location and […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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