Tag: streetart
Is this the only Super Mario Bros. street art in San Francisco?
On the side of The Willows, a bar at the corner of Folsom and 12th Street, there’s a mural featuring Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. Which […]
fnnch takes to the seas
Local street artist fnnch has plunged the former T-Mobile store at 20th and Mission under the sea. The 20th Street side of the building is […]
Murals of Osage Alley
One of the few places to find actual underground murals in the Mission these days — in other words the kind explicitly not approved by […]
The wild murals of Erie Street
Tucked behind a series of warehouses and repair shops by the old Central Freeway viaduct is Erie Street. Despite the name, it’s actually a small […]
Giant penny found on sidewalk
Walking along Valencia the other day I spotted a rather large penny painted on the sidewalk. The design features the phrase “IN FNNCH WE TRUST,” […]
Graffiti just a list of Linux distributions
You know you’re in San Francisco when the graffiti is just a list of Linux distos. For touchier Linux users this list of distributions will […]
Bartfeld Sales Co.
Next time you’re driving out of Foods Co. with a truckload of cheap beer, be sure to stop and look across the street. The reclaimed […]
Blurry Simpsons
Finally, a street art mural of the Simpsons that’s as blurry as my memories of a time when the show was still funny. UPDATE: The […]
Lisbon’s Super Mario Bros. obsession
As mentioned in the previous post, Lisbon has a Super Mario thing going on with its street art. Someone must be nostalgic for the 8-bit […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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