Tag: valencia
The many resurrections of Valencia Street’s restaurants
As documented on this very blog many businesses in San Francisco were boarded up during the beginning of the pandemic, with many if not most […]
Bombay Bazaar goes bust
Yes folks, Bombay Bazaar is officially out of business. You may recall Bombay Bazaar was once on Valencia, selling Indian ice cream along with various […]
Shirtless Dog Man watches over Valencia
Next time you’re getting a $60 haircut and going out for gringo Indian food, rest easy knowing that you’re safe under the watchful gaze of […]
You look like cardboard
Took one look in this large mirror and man, I look awful today. I look like cardboard. (Spotted at Valencia and 16th.)
Public Posts on Valencia
This morning, “public post” signs were installed on those the Midget Phone Company poles on Valencia. Turns out they’re not midget phone poles at all, […]
Art wall at Valencia and 17th
Ever since a certain building at Valencia and 17th was boarded up recently, it’s been home to movie ads, concert fliers, and various forms of […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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